Two days of going deep into the different Characteristics. On the personal, emotional, mind and spirit levels. We will work with two chosen issues each day. Please read the Manual for Teachers, chapters 1-4 so you are familiar with the Text. Bring your Book, a pen and a notebook.
The workshops are in English with instant translation to Spanish.
Participation: Saturday+Sunday 160 €, single day 90€.
Saturday June 30 and Sunday July 1, 2018 at 10:00-18:30.
* To help us with the organisation of the workspace, please book as soon as possible by sending an email to or a whatsapp/call to Efrat at +972-54-5299877 or Lorenza at +34 633 322 958.
After 30 years of teaching ACIM and training teachers, I am happy to announce the Prince of Peace ACIM School for teachers in Europe. A three-year program based in Barcelona, in which you will be accompanied along the learning process.
If you Love A Course in Miracles and you want to go deeper in learning it; If you are not afraid of the ego’s talks and the darkness of its illusions, then come and join our long term program.
We will learn the depth of the Book from the Holy Spirit’s teachings and from implementing it through our lives and changing it for the better.
We will be inspired by the Book, creating exercises and using the knowledge of the Course in our daily life, in our special relationships, in front of everyone in every situation.
This is the only way we can have a deep understanding of ourselves and others and have the compassion we need for this goal.
A Course in Miracles is a way of life. Once we started this journey, we would not want to go back.
1st year study period: From October 2018 to June 2019 – 1 weekend per month+online meetings